Friday, May 12, 2017

The new gap.

I’m still looking for artists. Well we always do but right now it’s for a special reason. Okey we have many demos in the pile so there might be something there. Still it’s so many that don’t fit in. I feel the gap between where you need to have the artists when you start working with them and where they really can get themselves is way bigger now then it was a couple of years ago.

The demands on the artists are higher and more complicated than ever. Still most artists just think, a good song is enough. Then also they start to invent the wheel all over again.

The worst part is that I see a large part of the industry be on this low level. They can’t really provide what the artist need. In the end it’s just blind leading blind. At the same time the top people are distance themselves from the normal stages and mainly develop artificial artists that really just are fit to sever the music that the big audience demands on the algorithms.

Well today I’m on my way to Musikmakarna a school in Örnsköldsvik (North Sweden) that has a good reputation to educate students to be really good songwriters. And I will have the chance to listen to some new things in the pipe and I’m super excited.

I guess also I’m interested to see how they look on the future and what they expect from the business. It will get a good indication how big the gap really is. This is a very professional school with good people and very attractive students. So it will be interesting to see what they have to say.

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