Wednesday, April 12, 2017

What we need is a…

What we need is a , then you choose these three, Record company, Booker, Manager ( funny they never ask for a publisher, maybe they really don’t know what they are doing, well takes that another time). If I have gotten a dollar for every time I hear that phrase I would have been rich.

Then you ask why do you need that? Then you get the story that they need the booker to book more gigs, the record label to get the music spread more and the manger to get them the first two.

If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain said Francis Bacon. And here it’s real. Often they complain that these people are hard to reach. I just know how visible they are when an artist is in the hot air. So the problem is they are not in the hot air.

In many ways this hunt for these people takes more time than doing the things that actually get these people’s attention. Because the record label needs a good product and a good ground to their job. It’s not that they just can take anything and make it gold (in our mix console it said: You can’t make gold out of cowshit). The booking agency needs a demand to start book, it’s almost impossible without a good story or a demand to get gigs.

Yes I know during the happy 80:s these was the companies that could pay money to get that ground done. That was possible that the gates back then was very few and very clear. Today the market is much, much more complex and it can’t be done that way anymore.

And my opinion is more that is the lazy artists that tends to ask these questions. Yes it won’t be easy to book gigs, and it would not be easier for a booking agency. And spread the music is really the artist problem in the new market and can’t be easy done for a record label if the artist hasn’t done their homework. And push over this problem to a manger is just plain stupid, it won’t be easier for a manager to find these people if the product doesn’t fit the criteria.

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